My 4 One-Minute Mindful Hacks That Boosts My Productivity By 90%

Mahesh Natrajan
5 min readJan 11, 2023

We all want to live healthier and more productive lives, but it can be difficult to find the time or energy to take the steps necessary to reach our peak productivity. For that matter how do we even know we have attained peak competence?

The realization that my productivity shot up over the past 4 years has been nothing short of miraculous and also what prompted me to share my four favorite one-minute health hacks. In this post, you will know how I’ve successfully found motivation and focus within a minute, my effective yet simple strategies for controlling stress levels, and a scientific approach to improving my mental health and how you can too. With these easy-to-implement hacks, you will be able to get more done and feel more energized in a minute or less!

How To Find Motivation And Focus In The Minute

First, let’s take a look at how to boost your productivity in short bursts. Rather than trying to start something big with a lot of barriers, with time being the biggest hurdle, I started all of these hacks in small doses. By taking these quick steps, you too will be able to increase your focus and motivation in no time, my promise!

Next, let’s talk about setting small and achievable goals that don’t feel overwhelming. When you’re working on a task that requires effort, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and give up. By setting small goals that are achievable within a minute, you’ll be able to stay motivated and on task. When your mind believes without needing any convincing that “Oh, I can do this”, your brain releases the necessary dopamine to tell your body “You, you got this”. This realization quite possibly is the biggest hurdle of them all. Once through this, the rest is truly easy.

It can be challenging to stay focused during the day when everything feels so rushed. By using my four quick health hacks as inspiration, you’ll be able to quickly find the energy needed to get through the day feeling inspired.

To-do: boost my productivity motivational sticky note

Hack #1: One-Minute Affirmations

There’s no denying that stress is a common problem, and it can have a negative impact on our lives. Too much stress can lead to problems such as unhealthy mood swings, weight gain, high blood pressure, and heart disease only to name a few that will potentially make any other ailments you already have even more severe. Luckily, there are several strategies that you can use to reduce your stress levels and boost your productivity. The best way to plow through stress is to pick start early first thing in the morning. This leads us to our hack #1 — the morning routine. Now I know this already sounds tedious, but I promise you the most difficult part of this routine is remembering to do it.

For this, set a morning wake-up alarm. Now, set your alarm 15 mins before your usual wake-up time and without hitting the snooze button wake up as soon as you turn off the alarm. The first thing you do when your eyes open is to look into the palms of your hands as though you are studying them. You can do this lying down or sitting up on your bed. Observe the lines and the bumps on your hands. Notice the different patterns and the contours of your skin with a child-like demeanor for 45 seconds. Shut your eyes closed for 15 seconds and say to yourself with complete conviction “I am here. I am present. I am alive”. Once you do this get up out of bed and carry on with your day.

Hack #2: One-Minute Movement

The easiest way to wake your mind up is to wake your body up. The easiest way to wake your body up is to move. This can be any kind of movement, a dance, a jump, weights, treadmill, or pushups. Whatever you chose to do, do it with awareness. Be fully present to how this movement makes you feel, notice all the body parts that move, notice the joints that move, your breath, and visualize the oxygen you take in reaching those parts of your body waking them up one by one. My preferred one-minute movement method? Jumping jacks.

Hack #3: One-Minute Pause And Reflect

This one can be sprinkled at any time of the day. Usually stack this hack on top of another. Meaning that you make this a more effective habit by doing it before or after something you already do. So for example, if you take a break every day around 1 PM from your work, you can do this hack either before or at the end of your break.

To begin, clear your mind for 2 breaths. Whatever you had going on before or have going on after this one minute, put that on hold. No need to force to purge anything. Start where you are. Even if it is initially difficult, I promise you that not doing it only makes the next 1 minute that much more difficult. So, slow down, and hold still for a minute. In this minute notice your breath, your heartbeat, the expansion of your belly on the inhale, and the contraction of the belly on the exhale, and simply be present to the sensations that arise. Once done, carry on about your day.

Hack #4: One-Minute Gratitude

Start this gratitude hack by turning the lights down (if in the evening) or find a cool shaded place (in the morning ) conducive to relaxation. The best time is when you are ready for bed, and right before you are about to fall asleep. You can do this either by sitting up in bed or lying down. Say thanks to yourself for this opportunity to be present. Say thanks to all those who were a part of your day. Remember this could even be you!

A Scientific Approach To Improving Your Mental Health

There’s no doubt that a healthy lifestyle is the key to maintaining positive mental health. However, it can be difficult to stick to a healthy routine when life gets hectic. That’s where copying my one-minute health hacks come in. These tried and trusted quick tips will help you to reduce stress and combat fatigue, while also optimizing your nutrition and overall well-being. By following these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to having a more positive outlook on life just the way I did.

Bottom Line

By implementing these simple, short, easy-to-complete, measurable, timed habitual tips, you will discover your own power to control and improve your mental health. So take action today — try these tricks and let me know how they are working for you.



Mahesh Natrajan

A tech yogi who thrives on life and business challenges. Passionate about business, strategy & always looking to learn and grow as CEO at Heal.