The only Pranayama Routine You Will Ever Need (With Instructional Videos)

Mahesh Natrajan
2 min readJan 17, 2023

Pranayama is an ancient practice of breath awareness and control that has been used for centuries to help bring balance to the mind and body. It is often used in meditation and for introspection, and has been recently gaining popularity as a form of holotropic breathing.

In this blog I provide a beginner’s guide to Pranayama, from the benefits you can reap to an introduction of the practice.

Sitting in Lotus (Padmasana) for practicing Pranayama.

The Power of Pranayama

Pranayama in sanskrit is a yoga term that refers to the practice of breath (Prana) and control (yama). These exercises have a variety of benefits that can help improve your health and well-being in many different ways. In this beginners guide, we will overview the different types of pranayama techniques, explain how to properly execute them, and provide tips for making pranayama a part of your daily routine.

First and foremost, understand the benefits of Pranayama. Practicing these exercises can help to improve your overall respiratory system health, increase focus and concentration, reduce stress levels, and promote relaxation. Additionally, these exercises have an impact on the mind-body connection — they can help you meditate more easily and connect more deeply with your spiritual side.

Now we will take a look at my specific routine for performing pranayama breathing exercises.

The Routine

My routine consists of 3 parts, Kapalbhati, kumbhaka and anulom vilom. That’s it! This can be practiced for as little as 3–4 minutes. All the details are shared in the videos below. Each technique has its own unique benefits and should be practiced in a way that best suits your individual needs. I’ve included these in the videos below.

As with any exercise regimen or practice regime, be sure to listen to your body — if it feels too challenging or uncomfortable then slow down until you’re more comfortable with the practice.

The science, the benefits of each of the 3 techniques in the routine
The 4 minute Practice

In a Nutshell

Pranayama is an ancient practice that has been proven to have many positive physical and mental health benefits. By taking the time to learn and practice these breathing techniques, you can experience improved energy levels, better concentration, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

Finally, make sure to make it a consistent habit by finding time each day when you are free from distractions even if it’s for just 1 minute. This will help you get the most out of your practice while also promoting better mental health and physical well-being in the long run.

So, take some time today to explore these powerful practices and reap the benefits of pranayama.



Mahesh Natrajan

A tech yogi who thrives on life and business challenges. Passionate about business, strategy & always looking to learn and grow as CEO at Heal.